Trade with purpose

Gain access to over 1000+ tradeable instruments at institutional spreads with a trusted and professional broker.

Fast Execution

Trade seamlessly with aggregated pricing from our pool of liquidity providers.

Award-Winning Trading Platforms

Trade on the award winning  trading platform;  MT5 by Metaquotes.

2 Account Types

Choose between our Raw account, offering spreads from 0.0 pips with a $3.50 commission per side, or our Standard account, which features spread-based pricing with no commission charges.

Expert 24/5 Support

Enjoy 24/5 expert support no matter what your experience level is.  We are always here to help!

Negative Balance Protection

Terms and conditions apply.

High Crypto Leverage

Trade with up to 100:1 leverage on all BTC and ETH pairs and 20:1 on all others!

Choose from 1000+ assets with Focus Markets

Trade FX and CFDs with Focus Markets and experience the multi-award-winning MT5 platform.

Experienced. Trusted. Professional.

Select your preferred account type

We offer two types of trading accounts equipped with highly competitive trading conditions and specially designed to meet your trading requirements.

Start Trading with Focus Markets